If everything was one sea creature, you might remark that it is (3 1 4) |
If you made a hot beverage out of an insect conflict, you would have an (3 3 3) |
If you presented a TV award to a kind of public transit, it would be a (3 4) |
If you wanted to build a lower jaw, you might want a (4 3) |
If you had a gathering on a Mediterranean island, it would be a (5 3) |
If your mother was in Senegal, she might be a (5 3) |
If you removed a cut, you might be making a (2-8) |
A rod with a metal container on it that isn’t sharp might be a (4 3 5) |
If you were a hunk or small metal fastener on the internet, you might be an (1-4) |
If you were in a country in the UK, you might be in (7) |
If you had a face covering which represented a long period of time, you might have a (3 4) |
If you had a lesion in your mouth, it might be a (3 4) |
You might call a sick blood vessel an (3 6) |
If a commercial was moral, it might be a (4 2) |
If you were really good with persons, places or things, you might be a (4 3) |
If you had a metal precursor inside a C product data type, you might have some (3 2 6) |
If you were to write a legbone which was the impostor, you might (3 3 4) |
If you disliked a theatrical production, you might insult it with a (4 4) |
If you had a coarse and rough particle for each electric guitar accompanier, you would have a (4 3 3) |
If you were to find the lowest value of ingratiating smiling, you might be looking for the (6 3) |
If you want to look at your boy, you might go (3 6) |
You might call the edge of a rock a (5 4) |
If something satisfies a lady, it might (4 3) |
If you had one star for each head covering (especially attached to a coat), you would have one (3 3 4) |
If you were to domesticate an average buttocks, you might (4 3 3) |
If you were in a British bathroom for a renter, you might be in a (6 3) |
If you were presenting a lightweight metal to an upper-class gentleman, you might say (3, 3) |
"Symbol" | 1 |
"Spice" | 4 |
"Humanity" | 10 |
"Ministry" | 3 |
"Authoritative" | 8 |
"Officer" | 8 |
"Construction Material" | 1 |
"Light source" | 11 |
"Bridge" | 5 |
"Teacher" | 5 |
"Learn" | 1 |
"Sweetener" | 8 |
"Alter" | 4 |
"Fruit" | 4 |
"Grain" | 1 |
"Restaurant" | 1 |
"Hairy" | 3 |
"Showcase" | 2 |
"Flavoring" | 1 |
"Guarantee" | 3 |
"Identifier" | 3 |
"Touchdown" | 1 |
"Cannon" | 7 |
"Doubt" | 5 |
"Makeup" | 2 |
"Definite" | 3 |
"Sulfur" | 9 |
If everything was one sea creature, you might remark that it is | '(3 1 4) | "Symbol" | 1 | |
If you made a hot beverage out of an insect conflict, you would have an | '(3 3 3) | "Spice" | 4 | |
If you presented a TV award to a kind of public transit, it would be a | '(3 4) | "Humanity" | 10 | |
If you wanted to build a lower jaw, you might want a | '(4 3) | "Ministry" | 3 | |
If you had a gathering on a Mediterranean island, it would be a | '(5 3) | "Authoritative" | 8 | |
If your mother was in Senegal, she might be a | '(5 3) | "Officer" | 8 | |
If you removed a cut, you might be making a | '(2-8) | "Construction Material" | 1 | |
A rod with a metal container on it that isn’t sharp might be a | '(4 3 5) | "Light source" | 11 | |
If you were a hunk or small metal fastener on the internet, you might be an | '(1-4) | "Bridge" | 5 | |
If you were in a country in the UK, you might be in | '(7) | "Teacher" | 5 | |
If you had a face covering which represented a long period of time, you might have a | '(3 4) | "Learn" | 1 | |
If you had a lesion in your mouth, it might be a | '(3 4) | "Sweetener" | 8 | |
You might call a sick blood vessel an | '(3 6) | "Alter" | 4 | |
If a commercial was moral, it might be a | '(4 2) | "Fruit" | 4 | |
If you were really good with persons, places or things, you might be a | '(4 3) | "Grain" | 1 | |
If you had a metal precursor inside a C product data type, you might have some | '(3 2 6) | "Restaurant" | 1 | |
If you were to write a legbone which was the impostor, you might | '(3 3 4) | "Hairy" | 3 | |
If you disliked a theatrical production, you might insult it with a | '(4 4) | "Showcase" | 2 | |
If you had a coarse and rough particle for each electric guitar accompanier, you would have a | '(4 3 3) | "Flavoring" | 1 | |
If you were to find the lowest value of ingratiating smiling, you might be looking for the | '(6 3) | "Guarantee" | 3 | |
If you want to look at your boy, you might go | '(3 6) | "Identifier" | 3 | |
You might call the edge of a rock a | '(5 4) | "Touchdown" | 1 | |
If something satisfies a lady, it might | '(4 3) | "Cannon" | 7 | |
If you had one star for each head covering (especially attached to a coat), you would have one | '(3 3 4) | "Doubt" | 5 | |
If you were to domesticate an average buttocks, you might | '(4 3 3) | "Makeup" | 2 | |
If you were in a British bathroom for a renter, you might be in a | '(6 3) | "Definite" | 3 | |
If you were presenting a lightweight metal to an upper-class gentleman, you might say | '(3, 3) | "Sulfur" | 9 |